There was a simple need. Get real time updates from a site that had no such capabilities for someone important that needed the data. An hour later, Anton's humble beginning were born.
Taking that idea of a simple text message I thought... Why not digest a lot of information and start to get it out to people that want it. Not just the generic "weather" conditions but targeted updates for pages that had great value but no way to be notified of their updates.
The rules were simple.
Images are easier to look at then tables and text. Concentrate on those over bodies of information. This also helps break down language barriers.
Get the data when in its needed? Need that data within a minute of it being posted? Get that. Does the data only update once a day or even once a week? Just look for it daily. Have flexibility.
Post this data to multiple platforms targeted for different audiences.
Get data that is very targeted. In this case, we target Sonoma County California and more granular to the west Sonoma County area. This doesn't mean there isn't data that pertains to larger audiences but looking for data for these regions is the priority.
Anton Bot v.1
Notification Channels
all-notifications: All notifications get sent here regardless of area or region.
westcounty: Notifications specific to west Sonoma County get here. These are hyperlocal to the area. IE. The Russian River level at the Guerneville bridge
sonomacounty: Notifications that are county and county tangent specific. IE: Lake levels for Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. This also includes fire conditions to LNU region that Calfire governs.
country: Mainly critical weather conditions across the country. IE Thunderstorms and fire weather risk
global: No bots are currently probing global conditions. This could include things like large earthquakes, etc., across the globe.
Communication methods
Website: antonbot.com Currently this is a stream of all-notifications. Soon there will be pages just for the region specific streams.
Discord: Read-only channels. Users can set notifications for the channels they want to receive info on. This includes an all-notifications channel.
Slack: By invite only. admins to discuss Anton and his future.
Text: Coming soon for availability. Anton can currently text updates but the addition of people to get these updates is a manual process right now. Only used for special people and special circumstances.
With the basics done and Anton in his ALPHA form, I'll continue to make it prettier and easier to use. More bots will be designed to capture more information to post.
It's been a fun project and happy to see it off and running.
Thank you so much for dedicating your creativity to inform RR residents of the weather and it's potential impact. I'm now sitting in the middle of the forest a mile and a half off 116, watching the "giants" fall onto the "lesser" giants, and hoping they don't fall on us 3 disabled seniors and 4 cats, one of which is feral, and sleeps in a small structure we call the "kitty house". It looks like a tree will fall on or very near it, and another storage structure. Scary to be living with such high risks, feeling helpless.😐